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Use Endnote to manage your references and format your bibliography

Direct Export from Databases

Direct Export from databases

Most library databases have a Direct Export feature to enable quick export of bibliographic data into an existing EndNote Library.   

Check popular library databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science or PubMed- they all have the ability to export search results in bulk. Advantages when exporting from library databases ? We can export accurate verified details including Author, Title, Journal Title,  Volume, Pages or  DOI.  and useful extra information such as the Abstract, author keywords, or even snowballed reference lists.

Tip: Look for the option to export to .RIS file format

Go to:  Alphabetical list of databases

Exporting from popular databases

Direct Export from Web of Science

1.Retrieve search results
2.Select relevant references (tick a single record or select a whole page, or up to 5000 records)
3.Save to EndNote desktop
4.Choose level of detail to include e.g. citation only, abstract or complete… 
5. Send
6. Double click the savedrecs.CIW file in your browser and it will open in EndNote


Direct Export From PubMed to EndNote

1. From the results list in PubMed tick the desired references
2. Click on the Send to link 
3. Choose destination: select Citation Manager
4. Create File
5. Click on the citations.nbib file and EndNote should open (or right, and the references will be displayed in the EndNote library.



Exporting more than 200 results from PubMed:

PubMed to EndNote using the Import text file option

1. From the search results screen in PubMed, 
2. Click Send to 
3. Choose destination: "File" 
4. Select Format: MEDLINE

5. Click on Create File  [Remember where you saved it]

 To Import the text file into EndNote, have the EndNote Library Open

1. Go to the File menu >>> Import, File  ...Choose 

2. Browse to where the PubMed_results.txt   file is saved and choose the file

3. Import Option.... Other Filters...Select the PubMed (NLM) Filter from the list

4. Import


See also Online EndNote Training [YouTube]




1.   Go to Google Scholar

2.   Look under Settings

3.   Bibliography Manager: select "Show links to import citations into EndNote  and Save the setting

4.  Next time you do a search in Google Scholar, there will be a link enabling the reference details to be exported to EndNote.




Scopus Database


Libraries Australia catalogue

Found a book or report ? Export the details into EndNote
1. Search the Libraries Australia catalogue,
2. Select the book and click download, then select  the .RIS option
3. The results will open in your EN Library, where you may need to tidy up the reference


Kopernio plugin (now called EndNote Click)

Export fulltext with one click into EndNote using "EndNote Click"

Kopernio (now called EndNote Click)

Owned by Clarivate Analytics,  EndNote Click is a free browser plugin that helps you find the best available PDF of an academic article while you browse.   Helps you see the Library and open fulltext PDFs more easily and export them into your reference management software with a simple click.   Integrates with Google Scholar, PubMed, WoS, and academic publisher sites.

It requires a user registration, simply Google Kopernio ("EN click") and get setup with a few clicks. 

Set up EndNote Click browser plugin in your Chrome or Firefox browser and try it next time you are searching Google Scholar.




Using Filters to import references

Check the Library Databases page 

Go to:  Alphabetical list of databases

Some databases require Filters to import the references into EndNote (for example Cochrane Library).

Where to get filters:

  • Many filters come with the EndNote software; (Select them in the Filter manager)
  • Modified filters are available on the UTAS Filters tab above,
  • Many more are available from the EndNote Clarivate Filters website

EndNote on a mac

Tips for mac users:

  • Firefox browser is preferred for using Endnote on a mac.  (Safari browser....not so much).
  • Associating Files on a mac: This one-time set-up will help the Direct export feature work for mac users.

Having trouble with search results not going directly into the EndNote Library on a mac?    Set up some file associations for common file types such as .RIS  and  .enw or .ciw

1. Select the file-type you wish to associate with EndNote.  This example is a .enw file, which went into our downloads folder.

2. Right-click (or ctrl-click) and select “Get info”...

3. In the window which appears, select the drop-down box near the bottom – “Open with”...
4. Select "Other" from the list

5.  Browse to the choose the required application,  EndNote X8, and check the box at the bottom "Always open with", and click on "Add"

6. The window will close and take you back to the “get info” window, and the selected application should show in the box. Click the button “Change all”.

7. Click on "Continue"  to confirm you want this to happen automatically in the future.

Next time simply double-click the downloaded file in the browser window and the results will open in the EndNote Library.