How to request a DataCite DOI for an unpublished report or output in Elements
Before you deposit your report or other unpublished output
- Login to Elements
- Follow the manually claim the research output Elements guide
- Manually add the 'Essential information' (red asterix) metadata fields, including a description in the 'Formatted abstract" field
- Select 'Assign DOI' box to trigger DOI minting (last 'Essential information' metadata field)
- Follow the Deposit research output digital file to upload the report PDF
- Upload PDF file type only
- Note: PDF is the only file type that generates a Repository cover sheet which includes the copyright and attribution information to ensure correct reuse and citation
- Assign either a Creative Commons Licence or In Copyright statement (note: if there are multiple authors/ copyright owners you need to get everyone's agreement to assign the Creative Commons licence and make the output open access in UTAS Research Repository)
- Read and agree to Terms and conditions of deposit
- Select Deposit to repository
- Email and let us know the draft report is deposited.
- The Library will
- copyright assess and check that the report is eligible for a DataCite DOI
- email you the DOI and citation information to add to the final report PDF
- Email the updated final report PDF to
- The library will publish the output to the repository.
Note: Library staff are unable to make changes to the deposited PDF file. A cover sheet, which includes citation information will automatically be added to the PDF output on download from the Repository.