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Open Access

Guide developed for RMP Elements and OAR Figshare

Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)

Assigning a persistent identifier to each item of data, software or research resource is essential to the future of research. Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)

Find out more

CItation and Identifiers, ARDC

DataCite DOI service

The University Library provides a DataCite DOI service for research datasets and eligible unpublished research outputs deposited for open access in the Open Access Repository (OAR), Research Data Portal (RDP) or IMAS Data Portal.


DataCite DOI minting criteria for unpublished research outputs

Eligibility for a DataCite DOI is based on meeting the following DataCite minting criteria.

  • Intellectual property (IP) is owned by University of Tasmania or an affiliated researcher
  • Output (publication or data) is Open, Mediated, or Embargoed (with specified end-date)
  • Where appropriate a Creative Commons licence has been applied by the copyright owner
  • Metadata with DataCite Metadata Scheme v4.0
    • Eligible unpublished research output metadata and digital file is deposited in Elements for discovery and access in the Open Access Repository (OAR)
    • Research data metadata and file/s are deposited in Research Data Portal or IMAS Data Portal.
  • Unpublished research output metadata and digital file/s are managed and stored for the long-term, in a University system (such as OAR, RDP or IMAS Portal)
  • Unpublished research output is the final version of record and will remain unchanged 
  • Unique research output
  • Unpublished research output has not been assigned a DOI previously 
  • No copyright will be infringed 
  • Contributes to the scholarly record and, in the case of datasets, is analogous to a journal article

UTAS research outputs automatically assigned a DataCite DOI

  • Open or mediated datasets and associated material deposited in the University Research Data Portal (RDP) or IMAS Data Portal
  • Accessible ERA eligible Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs)  deposited in Elements and made open access in the University Open Access Repository (OAR) 
  • HDR theses deposited in iGrad and made openly accessible in the OAR 


How to request a DataCite DOI for an unpublished report in Elements

1. Before you deposit your report 

2. If the report meets all DataCite DOI minting criteria 

  • Login to Elements 
    • Follow the manually claim the research output Elements guide 
      • Manually add the 'Essential information' metadata
      • Select 'Assign DOI' box  (last 'Essential information' metadata field)
    • Follow the Deposit research output digital file to upload the draft report PDF 
      • Assign either a Creative Commons Licence or In Copyright statement (note: if there are multiple authors/ copyright owners you need to get everyone's agreement to assign the Creative Commons licence and make the output open access in OAR)
    • Deposit to figshare
  • Email and let us know the draft report is deposited.
    • Once deposited to OAR, the Library will copyright assess and check that the report is eligible for a DataCite DOI. 
    • The library will email you the DOI and citation 
  • Add the DOI, citation and chosen Creative Commons license to the final report PDF
  • Login to Elements and redeposit the final report PDF 
  • Email to alert Library the output is redeposited
    • The library will publish the output to the repository.
    • Note, Library staff are unable to make changes to the output file.  A cover sheet, which includes citation information will automatically be added on download from the OAR. 


Out of scope research outputs

You cannot request a DataCite DOI for

  • Ephemera, teaching and learning materials and book chapters
  • Digital objects that are not relevant to research
  • Unpublished research outputs already assigned a DOI
  • Published peer reviewed journal articles (if the published article does not already have a DOI request one from the journal publisher)


Need help?


​​How To Guide - How to Manually Claim Research Outputs

Deposit a research output from Elements into OAR

Research Management Launch Pad for all Elements Support Documentation 

DataCite DOIs for UTAS research datasets

See DOIs for Datasets in the Research Data Management research guide for more information.