Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
The publisher is the organisation responsible for producing the work. If multiple organisations were responsible for producing the work, for example, as is the case for most films, cite the organisation which had the primary responsibility. If more than one organisation had the primary responsibility, list each of them, separated by a space and a forward slash ( / ).
Business words such as Company / Co, Corporation / Corp, Ltd, etc should be omitted. University presses are abbreviated to UP.
A publisher's name may be omitted for some types of publications such as:
The Arabian Nights. Bloomsbury, 1994. Children's Classics.
Hill, John, and Pamela Church Gibson, editors. The Oxford Guide to Film Studies. Oxford UP, 1998, pp. 35-36.
Who Wrote the Movie and What Else Did He Write? : An Index of Screen Writers and Their Film Works, 1936-1969. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 1970, p. 78.
Publication date
The format for the date of publication will often depend on the type of publication. For a book, the date (usually just the year of publication) will be listed on the title page or at the copyright statement on the reverse of the title page. For a journal, in addition to the year there may also be the month, or a season (e.g. Spring, Summer, etc) related to a specific issue within the year. Web documents or TV series will often have a complete date associated with them. When a source has more than one date, cite the one which is the most meaningful to the actual work you have used.
Some examples:
Light, Alison. "'Returning to Manderley': Romance Fiction, Female Sexuality and Class." Feminist Review, no. 16, Summer 1984, pp. 7-25, doi:10.2307/1394954.
University of Kansas. "Study Dispels Notion Social Media Displaces Human Contact: Face-to-Face Contact with Friends, Family Unaffected." ScienceDaily, February 15, 2018,
Utell, Janine. Engagements with Narrative. Routledge, 2016. Routledge Engagements with Literature.
If you cannot find an example for what you are looking for here, consult the MLA website, or the MLA Handbook (below)