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Sciences & Engineering

Agriculture databases

Starting database

Two core databases for Agriculture are Scopus and Web of Science. They are broad science databases, and include agriculture content. We recommend you either use Scopus or Web of Science as a starting point for your research on agriculture topics. 

Scopus logo

International, multidisciplinary, abstract and citation database, citation searches, 22,000+ peer-reviewed journals, books, conference papers. 1966+

Web of Science logo

International, multidisciplinary, citation database, cited reference searches, 21,000+ journals, books, conference papers. 1900+


Specialised agriculture databases

These are further agriculture databases that offer specialised content:

ISHS logo

Acta Horticulturae

International Society for Horticultural Science resources.

Agricola logo

References to journal articles, books, conference papers in all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines. Produced by U.S. Dept of Agriculture. 1975+

Springer Nature Experiments image

Springer Protocols

Contains a large number of biomedical and life sciences protocols

Environment Complete logo

Full-text and indexing database for journals, books and monographs. Covers agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, environmental law, environmental technology, geography, marine and freshwater science, natural resources, pollution and waste management, public policy, renewable energy sources, social impacts, urban planning.

PubMed logo

PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books; from 1966 and selected back to 1809.

SciFinder-n logo

Register first then login here to search for literature and patents on chemistry, biotechnology, agricultural chemistry, toxicology, environmental science, medicine, food science, packaging, petroleum products and related subject areas. Includes citation data. Offers capabilities for exploring substructures and reactions. Each user is required to set up their own account.