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EndNote for Law (AGLC4)

How to set-up and use EndNote to create references according to AGLC4

Adding a reference footnote

To insert a citation in a Word document:

  1. Ensure your EndNote Library is open
  2. From the top toolbar in Word, select References and Insert Footnote

  4. With your cursor in the footnote, click on the EndNote toolbar and select 'Insert Citation'

  5. Use the Find function to locate your reference - you can search by title, author or any of the information in that reference record
  6. Select the reference you want and click Insert
  7. Your reference will be inserted in the text, formatted according to your selected style. If this is the first time you cite this particular reference, an entry for the bibliography will also be added to the end of your document.

Adding a pinpoint to your citation

To add a pinpoint to your citation:

  1. Select the relevant citation. Either right-click and select Edit Citation > More OR click 'Edit & Manage Citation(s)' from the EndNote toolbar.
  2. In the Pages field enter your pinpoint exactly as you want it to appear in the footnote, ie:
    • Page number: enter the page number or page range
    • Paragraph: enter the paragraph in square brackets, eg [8] or [5A]
    • Legislation: enter the abbreviation for the section as well as the section number, eg s 8(a)(ii) or art 5
  3. Click OK and your footnote will update.

Ibids and Above ns

As you insert citations into your document, EndNote will convert your citations to 'ibid' or 'above n' as needed.

However, for 'above n' citations EndNote cannot detect the number of the footnote at which you previously cited the source. You will need to insert a cross reference:

  1. Place your cursor after the 'above n' in your footnote
  2. From the References toolbar select 'Cross-reference'
  3. From the 'Reference type' drop-down menu select 'Footnote' and from the 'Insert reference to' menu select Footnote number
  4. Select the footnote with the first reference to your source, and click 'Insert'

As you edit and add to your document, these cross-referenced numbers will not automatically update, but you can refresh and update all your cross-references at once by:

  1. Place your cursor in any of your footnotes
  2. Press Control + A (PC) or Cmd + A (Mac)
  3. Press F9 on your keyboard, or right-click and select 'Update Fields'
  4. You will receive a warning message saying 'Word can't undo this action', click Yes to proceed and update your cross-references.

Once you have your note you can add your pinpoint manually (rather than use the ‘Edit and Manage Citation’ option)  e.g. Type a close bracket ")" then a full stop. If you have a pinpoint type the close bracket, a space, then the pinpoint, then a full stop.

As you insert more footnotes into the documents Word will automatically renumber the main footnote numbers as necessary. However, the numbers in the "(n footnote number)" cross-references need to be separately updated to reflect these changes. This is easy! To update the cross-references:

  1. Select all footnotes by clicking into any footnote and then press Control + A (Command + A on a Mac) on your keyboard. You'll notice that the cross-reference numbers in the footnotes are a slightly darker grey than the rest of the text, similar to the inserted EndNote citations.
  2. Press the F9 key on your keyboard (on a Mac, right click or Control + click in the selected footnotes, and select Update Field).
  3. Say "yes" to this action when asked. All numbers will now be updated.
  4. You can do this whenever and as often as you like.