Australian Court and Tribunal Abbreviations [Medium Neutral Citations]
Use the following resources to find information for Australian and overseas case law.
AustLII | Free internet access to Australasian legal materials. | ||
BestCase Library [WestlawNext Canada] | |||
CCH IntelliConnect | Provides online access to selected CCH titles subscribed to by UTAS Law Library, including caselaw and looseleaf services. | ||
HeinOnline | English Reports and US Reports | ||
ICLR.4 | Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales. | ||
Lexis Advance | Australian legal materials published by LexisNexis Butterworths | ||
Oxford Reports on International Law | Full text decisions of international courts and international law decisions in domestic courts from 1904. | ||
Thomson Reuters Westlaw | U.S. and foreign primary and secondary legal materials. | ||
vLexJustis |
Full-text database of UK and Irish primary and specialist case law with citator. UK statute law, and easily- searchable European case law and legislation. Singapore Law Reports |
Westlaw AU | Australian case law, commentaries and journals. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR YOUR FIRST LOG IN YOU WILL NEED TO LOG IN USING SSO (SINGLE SIGN ON) | ||
Westlaw UK | ||| | A summary and analysis of all WTO reports and arbitrations; a current keyword index; a database of dispute settlement tables and statistics; and a user-friendly search tool for WTO cases, legal texts, and other documents. |
You can find authoritative cases on a subject by searching case annotators and digests in print and online. You can also search full text case law databases using subject keywords or catchwords.
Summaries of significant reported decisions arranged alphabetically. Cumulative Tables published every six months. Tables include indexes, tables of cases and words and phrases.
Provides access to hundreds of thousands of case judgments and legislation from common law jurisdictions around the world.
Up-to-date case law consolidated by subject area and jurisdiction. ACL Reporter provides comprehensive digests of all available judgments from the High Court, the Federal Court and the State Supreme courts, as well as important decisions from the Family Court, Federal Magistrate's Court, AAT and selected tribunals.
Index of more than 140,000 cases sourced from a variety of New Zealand Courts and Tribunals. Provides topic classifications and summaries of cases. Links to Unreported Judgments provided. Access is via Westlaw AU.
Case citator and annotator for over 35,000 cases. Covers over 60 law reports from Australia and the UK. Links to the full text of unreported judgments from the High Court and the Supreme Courts of all Australian states and territories.
Provides access to case references, citation, history, and digest information for Australian cases since 1825.
Coverage: Case law, statutes, regulations, administrative materials, patents and secondary sources. Coverage varies by Country (Canada, Hong Kong and United States).
LawCite is an automatically generated international legal case and journal article citator. LawCite is an AustLII database.
Unreported judgments may be too recent to have been published in a law report or not important enough to be published.
Unreported judgments can often be found in law databases or directly from the court's website. In some cases, the judgment is available only to the parties involved.
BarNet JADE | Free access to decisions of Australian and International Courts and Tribunals and Australian legislation. |
AustLII |
Free internet access to Australasian legal materials. Tasmania Victoria, and other Supreme courts publish their decisions in AustLII. |
New South Wales Caselaw | NSW Caselaw contains decisions for NSW Courts and Tribunals administered by the NSW Department of Justice. |
Queensland Judgments | A complete set of unreported Supreme Court judgments from 2002. The contents of the website will be expanded, over time, as they progressively digitise and publish the Queensland Supreme Court Library’s print collection of unreported judgments (1972-2001). |
Western Australia eCourts Portal | |
LexisNexis AU | |
Westlaw AU : Unreported Judgments |
Early Australian court decisions were often reported in newspapers and early court reports. Our news sources guide may help you find particular historical court decisions.
Not all judgments are published, even if they are mentioned in the news. This may be because the case hasn't set a precedent, was viewed as having little significance, or is of a sensitive nature.
Australian Legal History Libraries, include:
Many subscription legal databases contain historical cases. See Australian case law databases and unreported cases.
The following guides will assist in deciphering legal abbreviations for law reports, courts and journal titles.