This page outlines databases and resources that are available at the University of Tasmania and that are relevant for all health disciplines. Scroll through them all or select the category of interest.
Go to the tab for your School name on the left to find additional and more specialised resources.
Multidisciplinary databases | Health databases | Evidence-based practice databases | Australian health literature | Other resources |
These databases are great for all science topics, and include a large amount of health science content. They are particularly useful if your topic is multidisciplinary or if you need to use citation features.
These databases include mainly Health content and are relevant for all Health disciplines.
Medline via Ovid: mainly searches Medline, plus some extra content; advanced search options
Medline via PubMed: mainly searches Medline, plus some extra content
Medline Complete via Ebsco: you may find yourself in here if you use the Library Search
Produced by National Library of Medicine, covers international literature on biomedicine and health, 5,600+ journals
Evidence-based practice is the 'integration of clinical expertise, patient values and the best evidence into the decision making process for patient care' (Sackett et al. 2000). It includes clinical practice guidelines, which are evidence-based recommendations about how healthcare and other professionals can care for patients with specific conditions.
You can learn more about EBP, clinical guidelines and our EBP databases on the Evidence-based practice guide.
Sackett, D.L., et al., 2000, Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM (2nd ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
EBP database ⓘ
Collection of six databases, high-quality independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making
Cochrane Endnote Help (PDF 115KB)
EBP database ⓘ
Evidence-based database, wide range of summarised and appraised evidence covering medical, nursing and health science specialites
EBP database ⓘ
Turning Research into Practice, EBP database including reviews, trials, guidelines and patient information
EBP database ⓘ
Accurate, evidence-based content to help clinicians answer clinical questions
EBP database ⓘ
Physician-authored clinical decision support resource. Available off campus to students only. Registration required. Staff and students can access on campus.
EBP database ⓘ
Australian database, enables practitioners to make informed choices for patients, AMH is partnership between ASCEPT, PSA and RACGP
EBP database ⓘ
Accurate, independent and practical treatment advice for a wide range of clinical conditions. It includes explicit instructions for therapy, assisting practitioners in making decisions to ensure their patients receive optimum treatment.
To use the Therapeutic Guidelines app you will need to request a token. Please follow the token registration instructions.
Informit includes various databases containing references to Australian publications in a variety of disciplines, including Health. You can either search all of Informit, or select the relevant databases; such as Health Collection or APAIS-Health.
Suite of databases containing references to Australian publications in a variety of disciplines including Arts, Sciences, Education & Law
Australian health database; covers all aspects of health and medicine with focus on clinical medicine and allied health, includes full-text, 1997+
Covers health and medicine in Australia and in particular the legal, social, economic and ethical aspects of health. No clinical articles. 1978+
Covers family, marriage, women; culture and institutions, private, civil and family law; social services and public welfare
Other health resources we have access to at UTAS include:
Comprehensive, accurate and detailed 3D models of the human body, covers anatomy, muscle function, injuries; 6,500+ 3D anatomical structures, clinical slides, dissections, illustrations, animations
Offers latest medical news and expert perspectives for physicians and healthcare, point-of-care drug and disease information
Compact, concise and complete medical reference books for doctors, medical students and health care professionals, 4,000+ pages by 300+ independent expert contributors, 2,000+ diseases and disorders
Search for medical journals indexed in PubMed and ascertain the full journal name as well as the appropriate journal name abbreviation.