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Library Essentials Online (LEO)

Module 2: Where to find information


This module introduces the key tools you can use to find information in the Library. You'll see a demonstration of the tool, learn what each tool does, and have an opportunity to try out the tool yourself.


When you complete Module 2, you should be able to:

  1. Discover the tools available. 
  2. Identify the most appropriate tool for the task.
  3. Understand when to use each tool.


Screenshot MegaSearch


What is MegaSearch and when is it most useful?



Screenshot Catalogue


What can you find with the Library Catalogue?



Screenshot Databases


What can you find with a database and when is this a helpful tool?



Screenshot Google

Google & Google Scholar

How can you best use Google & Google Scholar for your university research?



Screenshot News guide and Streaming media guide

News & Streaming media

How can you find news articles, films and music for your study and research?





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