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Reading Lists

Reading Lists provide direct access to electronic readings and an easy way to find material on Reserve for a particular unit.

Reading Lists

Reading Lists provide:

  • A list of materials required for your unit to ensure that the library has them
  • Direct links to eBooks, eReadings (articles, book chapters) and exam papers
  • Direct links to websites/pages, eg. UTAS Unit Information pages, 3rd party websites
  • Direct links to catalogue records for print items held by the Library
  • The opportunity to deliver more content online

How you can use reading lists:

Once we receive your list, we do the following steps:

Books, ebooks, streaming materials

Chapter scans, journals articles, website links: 

  • Check copyright compliance. We check for reasonable portions copied as required via the statutory license
  • Organise scans of materials and put them in the system. If the library doesn't have the item we request the item via Document Delivery for us to scan.
  • Make journal article links accessible off campus

We will contact you if:

  • we find later editions to your text. 
  • we run into copyright compliance issues.

You can select from three options when filling out the reading list submission form: ​

Reading List option Description
New Reading List

Use this option for major re-writes and/or new unit lists

Minor changes Materials are similar to previous year but with minor additions/deletions
No changes We will roll over the Reading List as last submitted to the library.

Have you inherited a unit and would like to see what resources were used in previous years Reading List? Please email us and we will check what we have in our system. 

Frequently asked questions: 

Requests will be processed as quickly as possible in order of receipt.

If the request is received The library will
8 weeks before the start of semester Commit to have all items held within the collection available for the first week of teaching
4 weeks before the start of semester We endeavour to have all items held within the library collection available for the first week of teaching
1st week of semester
Process requests as quickly as possible but cannot assume reasonability for the availability of items in time for student needs


Where is my list? 

  • If you submitted you list in the last 4 weeks, it's in the queue. We work through the lists in the order that they are received
  • If you submitted more than 4 weeks ago - please contact us

What can I do if my list hasn't been processed?

  • Please get in contact and we will work with you to get the first few weeks resources up for the students.

Where are my PDFs?

  • I can see books on my list but no readings - we are still working on your list and will have the full list completed as soon as possible
  • I can see readings but no PDFs - we are still working on your list and will have the full list completed as soon as possible

Why doesn't my reading list link work in MyLO?

  • In  the past, did you take a link from Reading Lists and paste it into MyLO? These links are pointing to the old system. To get a new link, go to your new reading list, click on the three dots, then share, then copy the link to put in reading lists. 

How can I add extra articles to my reading list?

  • This is something that you will be able to do yourself. If you've already had the Talis Reading List training, you can do it now.  If you haven't had training yet, reach out to for us to add additional titles.