Reading Lists are curated collections of resources that are recommended or required for students to read as part of their coursework. These lists typically include books, journal articles, streaming media and other academic materials that align with the subject matter of a course. This benefits students by:
- Easy Access: Reading lists provide a centralised point of access to all subject readings, which can often be accessed online - including links to the catalogue materials for physical materials located within the library.
- Organisation: They can be customized to suit the teaching structure—by week, module, topic, or assessment item, making it easier for students to follow along and prepare for classes.
- Cost-Effective: They reduce the cost of course materials for students by maximizing the use of library-owned resources and open educational resources.
- Enhanced Learning: Reading lists support the student learning process by providing easy access to current and relevant resources.
- Accessibility: They offer readings in an accessible format, which is especially beneficial for students with disabilities.
- Engagement: the reading list system provide functionality for students to ‘like’ readings and discuss them, fostering a more interactive learning environment.
- Efficiency: Reading lists can be reused and easily updated, which enables staff to deliver a consistent experience for students from year to year.
Reading lists are a valuable tool in the academic environment, helping students to stay organised, engaged, and informed about their course materials.