Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy, and are internationally recognised as the highest standard in evidence-based health care resources.
JBI's approach to evidence-based healthcare is unique. It considers evidence-based healthcare as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of healthcare practices. The best available evidence, the context in which care is delivered, the individual patient and the professional judgement and expertise of the health professional inform this process.
JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis
Aromataris E, Lockwood C, Porritt K, Pilla B, Jordan Z (Editors). JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. JBI, 2024.
This manual provides guidance to authors for the conduct and preparation of JBI systematic reviews and evidence syntheses. It has separate chapters for scoping reviews and umbrella reviews.
JBI SUMARI is a software package designed to assist in the conduct of JBI systematic reviews. We have access to it via Ovid (EBP Tools).
The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination is a research department at the University of York that specialises in evidence synthesis, assembling and analysing data from multiple research studies to generate policy relevant research. It undertakes high quality systematic reviews and associated economic evaluations, develop underpinning methods, and promote and facilitate the use of research evidence in decision-making.
The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network that produces systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions in Crime & Justice, Education, International Development, and Social Welfare.
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