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Open Educational Resources

A Staff Guide

How do I choose?

The volume and range of OER on various platforms means identifying high-quality, suitable learning materials can be a challenge.

Assess an OER like you would any other material you might consider using in your course or unit.

Tip! When you choose an available OER you want to use in whole or adapt, you must attribute it. Try the Open Attribution Builder tool for help generating proper attribution. Find out more about attribution best practices.

OER evaluation checklist

Use this simple checklist as a guide for deciding the general quality of an OER.

  • The license allows for educational reuse of the materials.
  • The license allows modifications or adaptations of the material to fit course objectives.
  • The content aligns with one or more of my course/unit objectives or learning outcomes.
  • The content is appropriate for my students' level.
  • There are no factual, grammatical, or typographical errors.
  • The resource has been peer-reviewed.
  • The creator is identified and reputable.
  • The content is clear and understandable.
  • The interface and design of the resource is easy to navigate.
  • The audio, video, and/or image file(s) are high quality.
  • The content is designed to meet accessibility standards.
  • The audio or video resource has a transcript or subtitles.
  • The resource is available in alternative formats e.g. a Word document or accessible PDF.
  • The content presents diverse perspectives and viewpoints, inclusive of different identities, ethnicities and backgrounds.
  • The content does not include insensitive or offensive viewpoints.

Other evaluation checklists and rubrics