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Open Educational Resources

A Staff Guide

Authoring open textbooks

Creating an open textbook is about more than just writing the content. There’s a lot that goes into making a book, from planning, editing, peer-review, formatting, promoting, and more.

Tip! Read this open textbook project scoping summary to begin thinking about the full publishing process, and the time and resources required.

An open textbook publishing workflow

The Council of Australian University Librarians OER Collective Publishing Workflow is designed to guide authors through the basics of open textbook publishing in Australian higher education.

There are 7 stages to the workflow:

  • Initiate
  • Plan
  • Draft
  • Design
  • Review
  • Publish
  • Evaluate

Read the complete Open Educational Resources Collective Publishing Workflow Guide for a set of step-by-step instructions through the authoring process.

Library help

We offer a program for staff that allows them to create a new open textbook or adapt an existing open textbook for use in their classroom. Learn about open publishing at UTAS.

Additional reading