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Read and Publish

CAUL guide

Read & Publish Agreements - You Publish, We Pay


 Read & Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL - Journal Title list


The Read & Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL guide is the source of truth for current Read & Publish (R&P) agreements between publishers and Council of Australian University Libraries (CAUL).


We recommend you perform these six checks to find out whether a journal is included in the R&P agreements:

Attention Researchers
**Please check the information for each agreement carefully. Wiley, Springer and Taylor & Francis caps have been reached**.


This video gives a demonstration on how to apply these six checks on the CAUL guide, using the example Journal of Neurochemistry:


Current Agreements

Current UTAS Library agreements 

What are Read & Publish Agreements?

What are Read & Publish Agreements?

Read & Publish agreements provide authors with the opportunity to publish OA immediately upon acceptance, free from any transactional Article Processing Charges (APCs). These arrangements have also been called “transformative agreements”.

Most Read & Publish agreements negotiated between Australian Universities and traditional publishers are being managed by the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL). A a few are being managed directly by University of Tasmania Library. Agreements cover the cost of author APCs for participating institutions.

Watch: Avoiding Article Processing Charges - You Publish, We Pay! 

Viewing time: 1min 32secs

How they work

How do Read & Publish agreements work?

From one publisher to another, agreements can vary quite considerably: some have quotas (Caps) on the number of waived APCs, some include all journals and others include a limited range of journals or article types, and some require Creative Commons licences (e.g. CC-BY) etc.

Reference to the CAUL Read & Publish Agreements guide is essential for keeping track of Read & Publish deals and includes the consolidated journal title list for all agreements

Things to note: As part of your planning, check whether the journal is a hybrid journal or a fully gold journal.  Why? This may be important when an agreement cap has been reached. 

Tip: as a corresponding author, you need to use your institutional email address to aid the CAUL approval process


For more information


Publishing workflow

General publishing workflow 

In general, the submission process for articles in journals included in Read & Publish agreements will look something like this: