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UTAS Library catalogue filter

Some catalogues require the use of import filters to help import text to the correct fields.

Approximately 100 common Filters come pre-loaded with EndNote.  Many more are available to download from EndNote Website.

The Library has listed important modified Filters (see below) ready for downloading into your Filters folder.

How to Download the Filter
1. Click on the the UTAS Library Catalogue Filter (link below)
2.  Open the file.   The file will open in EndNote
3..  File menu....Save As..
4.  Save and Close 

The Filter will then save into your Filters folder located in Documents.  
C:\Users\UserName\My Documents\EndNote\Filters

Now return to the UTAS library catalogue and continue searching for books. 
Next time you go to Export a citation, the details will go into your EndNote Library.

How to export Books UTAS library catalogue

Export Book Citations from UTAS Library catalogue


1. Search for a book via the UTAS library encore catalogue

2. Click on the "Export Citations" icon on the results page



3.  Select the UTAS Library Filter from the list

4. The citation details will appear in your EndNote Library